Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Typography Week 7`

2/3/2016 (Week 7)
Joshua Low Wai Peng (UIU 300 414 734 )
Typography - Ad Expression Part 2

lecture: Mr.Vinod explain to the students that we should have do more research and slowly drafted out the ad rather than rushing to finish it, then he proceeded on teaching us with the slides and also how to further proceed in using illustrator.

final outcome:

diagram 1

diagram 2

this is the final render that i came out with.

For the word "feel", I did like a curvy and waving line as for the first moment you apply the tiger balm u won’t feel anything. But after a moment, the burning feeling starts to kick in and it will give u like some warm and cold sensation. Besides that, the reason why i use the method of "envelope distort" to make it project like someone screaming, just like when a person gets a burn they will shout out loud "OUCH!!".

feedback from sir:
he told me that he like what i did with the curvy thing and the heat word. he say that i did not bad in this task. he also told me that the word "Feel" doesn't really fit with the word pattern for "heat". so he suggested that maybe next time i can calibrate it properly to fit the word heat because the word heat was fine.
i feel that this time i did it on a rush although research has been done. i should have taken the time to slowly draft and think about what should i do at the end, not finish it on the start of the task as it was given to us to finish in 2 weeks time.
i think i'm improving and getting better hold of illustrator and also designing and creating new stuff.
i kinda like the idea i went with this time and working within the time frame has improved since the last task.

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