Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Typography week 11

30/3/2016 (Week 11)
Joshua Low Wai Peng (UIU 300 414 734 )
Typography - Booklet Part 2

Lecture: Mr.vinod begin to review classmate's work progress once the class started. he then gave us time to further improving our work and also giving advise to students on the spot. 

Task 2 (20%): The Booklet
Your task requires you to come up with 10-12 lines about your self. The lines can vary in the number of words (1 word, 5 words, 10 words). These lines will be arranged and expressed according to their meanings. Utilize the knowledge gained in all the tasks previously and express yourselves.
The booklet you are creating has 8 pages in all (2 A4 sheets stuck together and divided into halves). The format of the booklet is an accordion fold and affixed on either end with a card-board.
You have to compose your lines on the various pages, using a variety or appropriate fonts/typefaces, and then considering the size, impact of the respective artworks, place them in an appropriate sequence to ensure a healthy variation from page to page.
A demonstration of this shall be conducted in class. How to fold, how to create your illustrator template and how to place the typographic artworks (expressions of the different lines) in illustrator.
You will submit, a hard copy print out and upload the respective JPEGs of the 8 pages in spreads of 2 onto your e-portfolio.
Marking Criteria: Your work will be judged on whether you have been able to express the meaning of your sentences through your typography and layout (arrangement). The layouts must showcase sensitivity and creativity in the choice of font, its arrangement, its relevancy and its suitability in context of the sentences. It must reflect and enhance the inherent meaning of the sentences. 
You must look at the arrangements for all the pages and decide whether the pages look like a cohesive unit, whether there is a level of consistency or variation, so as to avoid monotony or over-consistency.
You will be judged on whether you have demonstrated critical thinking and exploration, research capability, ability to chronologically document your process and reflect on your journey. This evidence must be visible in your postings in the e-portfolio and your in-class process work. 
Duration: 2 weeks
Deadline: week 12


this is my final draft that i decided to go along with.


it was really a fun time thinking how to create your own style for the booklet and how to arrange the wordings,Folding, cutting and creating the booklet itself. i choose to go with some capital letters with different font it because every word tells a story. it doesnt only comes within the sentences, but it has  a deeper meaning in the word itself. hence i decided to make it bolder and also more outstanding comparing to the normal words.


aligning the papers to the cover page took a long time to get accurate measurements.

cutting the board was a fuss due to alignments!! but for me i think that when everything combined it turned out pretty good, well at least for me. overall its a nice task to do, something abit more different than just typing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Typography week 10

23/3/2016 (Week 10)
Joshua Low Wai Peng (UIU 300 414 734 )
Typography - Booklet

Lecture: did not get to attend the class, so i consulted my classmate and ask for further guidance.

Task 2 (20%): The Booklet
Your task requires you to come up with 10-12 lines about your self. The lines can vary in the number of words (1 word, 5 words, 10 words). These lines will be arranged and expressed according to their meanings. Utilize the knowledge gained in all the tasks previously and express yourselves.
The booklet you are creating has 8 pages in all (2 A4 sheets stuck together and divided into halves). The format of the booklet is an accordion fold and affixed on either end with a card-board.
You have to compose your lines on the various pages, using a variety or appropriate fonts/typefaces, and then considering the size, impact of the respective artworks, place them in an appropriate sequence to ensure a healthy variation from page to page.
A demonstration of this shall be conducted in class. How to fold, how to create your illustrator template and how to place the typographic artworks (expressions of the different lines) in illustrator.
You will submit, a hard copy print out and upload the respective JPEGs of the 8 pages in spreads of 2 onto your e-portfolio.
Marking Criteria: Your work will be judged on whether you have been able to express the meaning of your sentences through your typography and layout (arrangement). The layouts must showcase sensitivity and creativity in the choice of font, its arrangement, its relevancy and its suitability in context of the sentences. It must reflect and enhance the inherent meaning of the sentences. 
You must look at the arrangements for all the pages and decide whether the pages look like a cohesive unit, whether there is a level of consistency or variation, so as to avoid monotony or over-consistency.
You will be judged on whether you have demonstrated critical thinking and exploration, research capability, ability to chronologically document your process and reflect on your journey. This evidence must be visible in your postings in the e-portfolio and your in-class process work. 
Duration: 3 weeks
Deadline: week 13

Trying out in illustrator and still doing some research on more creative way to design a booklet because i feel that this is just to normal and not attractive enough.

thanks to my classmate for teaching me how to prepare the booklet content pages. i managed to do it myself after consulting and seeking advise from my friend! credits to Yin Nee and Elicia!! They also told me that i need to find hard cover for the booklet to produce the final product when its ready.

experience thus far:
its been a very long time since i did a booklet!! the last time i did this is when i was in my art class that i went. it would really be great to have more insight and ideas on how to create a attractive booklet. positioning the font was actually fustrateting at frst because it will look weird without folding the paper. but overall, i think i still need to do more research or find information that may help me further enhancing and create a better booklet!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Typography week 9

16/3/2016 (Week 9)
Joshua Low Wai Peng (UIU 300 414 734 )
Typography - Type arrangement part 2

lecture: On that day, Mr.Vinod continue teach material from the previous week. Then, he proceeded on requesting student take show him their progress and also gave feedback on how we should and shouldn't do.

Type arrangement (30%)
Task 1
 (10%): The Letter
In this task, you will write (type) a single page love letter to your beloved who has been abroad for the last 6 months. The year is 1986, the world wide web or internet isn’t yet available to the masses, however the desktop computer has been invented. Letters are still a popular means to send and receive news. As, such it has been your practice to write one letter a week on your new desktop computer, print it, seal it in an envelop and post it to your beloved. This single page letter must be written sensibly and sensitively.
Your task is to use Adobe Illustrator to format this letter in a classical letter writing format (in the days of old) – when letter writing was done by hand – using a suitable font (or a combination of fonts), and appropriate margins, alignment, point size, leading and line length.
You will be required to print two copies; one without creases or folds, the other for postage. The letter for posting will require an envelop, as such thought must be put into the writing of the address on the envelop. You will post this letter to yourself, and you will bring this letter to class for submission and discussion. You will as always document all the processes, drafts and the final results on your e-portfolio.
 Important reading references:
(Note* If you stumble on some additional references, do share the on our Facebook group).
Marking Criteria: Lorem Ipsum…
 Duration: 2 week
Deadline: week 10    

For the addresses, i went with the choice font of "Pristina" that was available in adobe.
but for the letter context, i went with the font of "vivaldi italic". i decided to go with both this font is because the letter is written on the year 1986. during that time, not much font was available yet and font are hardly digitized. back then, a type writer machine produces fonts that are square-ish which may make the message not really attractive enough to read. Hence, i went with a more calligraphic type of writing to go along in the letter.


choosing the font to go with my message was not really easy. i tried using different kind of combination to go with the letter. finally i decided to go with both of this font because from my point of view it really does go along with the message itself.
comparing to the first few time using Illustrator, this time things really went much faster. i think its also because of wordings only and not designing, but also know those button surface better.
writing a letter would be a really hipster thing to do in this current generation because everyone uses text message, and email. but letter hold its sentimental value and if i really were to write like this and send to my love one, i think they will really appreciate what I've written down for them. the trend of writing a letter to some one is slowly dying off and letter nowadays are normally bills, information update and so. hopefully the trend of writing a letter will not die of just like this.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Typography Week 8

8/3/2016 (Week 8)
Joshua Low Wai Peng (UIU 300 414 734 )
Typography - Type arrangement

lecture: due to the limited time i have to be there, mr.vinod quickly reviewed my previous work and gave his feedback. He then proceed on by explaining the task we will do next, which was writing a love letter.

Type arrangement (30%)
Task 1
 (10%): The Letter
In this task, you will write (type) a single page love letter to your beloved who has been abroad for the last 6 months. The year is 1986, the world wide web or internet isn’t yet available to the masses, however the desktop computer has been invented. Letters are still a popular means to send and receive news. As, such it has been your practice to write one letter a week on your new desktop computer, print it, seal it in an envelop and post it to your beloved. This single page letter must be written sensibly and sensitively.
Your task is to use Adobe Illustrator to format this letter in a classical letter writing format (in the days of old) – when letter writing was done by hand – using a suitable font (or a combination of fonts), and appropriate margins, alignment, point size, leading and line length.
You will be required to print two copies; one without creases or folds, the other for postage. The letter for posting will require an envelop, as such thought must be put into the writing of the address on the envelop. You will post this letter to yourself, and you will bring this letter to class for submission and discussion. You will as always document all the processes, drafts and the final results on your e-portfolio.
old-letter Alice-Jackson-StuartkfkhWIb Palmer_Method_sampleRoyal letter 
Above: Classical letter samples
(Note* If you stumble on some additional references, do share the on our Facebook group).
Marking Criteria: Lorem Ipsum…

Duration: 2 week
Deadline: week 10                                                             
the first time learning how to write a letter in the formal and informal letter was back in the schooling days. it was technically learning how to write but we did not practice is and also really sending the letter to some one. finally! a day where i can put what i've learned into practice. i did some brief research on how people normally write a letter and which kind of font they normally use to accommodate the message.

here are some examples below:

my draft letter(pardon my writing):

using different name as i
llustration purposes.

havent really go in depth to which font i would really used to accommodate  the tone for the message. Mr.Vinod said that during the selection of the font, we should take the message we written into consideration, not use only use what font we like, but the font that goes along very well the the message.

experience thus far:
really never wrote a letter before, so during the time i wrote this letter its quite weird. i think learning really how to write a love letter would really discover the romantic and persuasive side of me?(HAHAHAHAHA). i realize my love writing technique really suck big time and i dont know what the heck should i really right to make a person feel or get the message that im trying to tell. hoping to know more in the coming class. bye for now

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Typography Week 7`

2/3/2016 (Week 7)
Joshua Low Wai Peng (UIU 300 414 734 )
Typography - Ad Expression Part 2

lecture: Mr.Vinod explain to the students that we should have do more research and slowly drafted out the ad rather than rushing to finish it, then he proceeded on teaching us with the slides and also how to further proceed in using illustrator.

final outcome:

diagram 1

diagram 2

this is the final render that i came out with.

For the word "feel", I did like a curvy and waving line as for the first moment you apply the tiger balm u won’t feel anything. But after a moment, the burning feeling starts to kick in and it will give u like some warm and cold sensation. Besides that, the reason why i use the method of "envelope distort" to make it project like someone screaming, just like when a person gets a burn they will shout out loud "OUCH!!".

feedback from sir:
he told me that he like what i did with the curvy thing and the heat word. he say that i did not bad in this task. he also told me that the word "Feel" doesn't really fit with the word pattern for "heat". so he suggested that maybe next time i can calibrate it properly to fit the word heat because the word heat was fine.
i feel that this time i did it on a rush although research has been done. i should have taken the time to slowly draft and think about what should i do at the end, not finish it on the start of the task as it was given to us to finish in 2 weeks time.
i think i'm improving and getting better hold of illustrator and also designing and creating new stuff.
i kinda like the idea i went with this time and working within the time frame has improved since the last task.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Typography WEEK 6

24/2/2016 (Week 6)
Joshua Low Wai Peng (UIU 300 414 734 )
Typography - Ad Expression

lecture:did not get to attend the class on previous week, but i've reach out to some of my classmates to check on what should we be doing on this week.

Task 2
(10%): Ad Expression
You are required in this task to express the headline of a black and white advertisement for Tiger Balm. The ad must express to the type the inherent meaning of the words in context of the Ad.
The copy for the Ad is as follows:

Headline: FEEL THE HEAT!

Copy: Tiger Balm, the world’s leading analgesic remedy that works where it hurts. A name that has been trusted by generations to provide care, healing and comfort for nearly 100 years. With its unique formulation specially made with herbal ingredients which are proven safe and effective, Tiger Balm’s healing properties and soothing relief for aches and pains restore balance to modern hectic lifestyles.
Logo & Product:


You may use minor graphical elements like lines or dots (if relevant or needed) to aid in the expression of the headline. This is not a visually driven Ad, so do not give undue attention to the product or logo, emphasis is on the headline and copy.
Black and white Press Ad.
Newspaper: TheSun
Size: 128 w x 178 h
Outline around Ad: 0.5 pt stroke width
Mode: Black & White
Marking Criteria: Your work will be judged on whether you have been able to express the meaning or action of the headline through your designs. The designed headline in the type expression task must showcase sensitivity and creativity in the choice of font, its relevancy and its suitability in context of the Ad. It must reflect the inherent meaning of the headline. You will be judged on whether you have demonstrated critical thinking and exploration, research capability, ability to chronologically document your process and reflect on your journey. This evidence must be visible in your postings in the e-portfolio and your in-class process work. 

i did some research on searching how tiger balm normally place their ads. while searching, i stumbled on this particular ad by tiger balm, which i believe it was use in the early days.(diagram 1)

diagram 1. 
The interpretation of the slogan which i believe is that the medication is strong. This ad shows only the slogan and some Chinese words along with the tiger balm's logo. This ad is simple and it brings out message to the audience.
on the other hand, there are few modern ads  that i found regarding tiger balm. these ad features graphic in the background along with the slogan overlapping the graphic. It really does make the slogan stand out with the help of the graphical background of athlete as u can see in the diagram below.

Diagram 2(left),3(right).  

i realized that with the help of graphical background, it really does help to make the slogan stand out a lot and people can easily get what is tiger balm ad trying to say.

Furthermore, i did some research on nando's ads. Nando's is famous for their grilled meat menu's around the world. i notice that they gain plenty of popularity for their tongue-in-cheek advertising campaign, poking fun of companies and politician. with just few simple words or sentences, it can provide the sense of humor to the person reading and it draws their full attention the the poster/ads. the fonts that they use, and how they arrange it makes it look more funkier, funny, more interesting to read. here are some of the examples:


 diagram 5
diagram 6

                                                                         diagram 7
                                                                       diagram 8
diagram 9
as you can see, nando's always anticipate in something new and fresh in the news. so they always create a new ad when there is a something newsworthy coming up very fast. they are good in grabbing the opportunity to strike at the right moment.

diagram 10first rendering after obtaining feedback's on what should we do. still trying on other setup for the ad to make it look more attractive. i personally feel that this ad looks abit outdated kinda look. nothing really attractive looking.
diagram 11
this is the second rendering without the product and only the wording at the center. IMOO, i think it looks like one of the nando's

diagram 12
i tried to tilt and twist the word to make it going gradually bigger and longer, like a person shouting out his words.

diagram 13
this time i tried different kind of setting. i try to make the words like its on a burning sensation, small and slowly to big fire and little big wavy kinda look. 

Experience thus far:
this time i tried to do things differently and also creating something new especially at the diagram 7. it was a new lesson learn on how to create and construct fonts like thee on diagram 7. but i am still trying to do some research on other brands that only uses words to bring out their message, just like how Nando's has always did.